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 Anneli Holmstrom

Anneli Homstrom is a visual artist based between Scotland and Finland.



"Holmstrom's body of work is characterised by a layered archive of interrelated narratives, blending references from both personal and collective histories to form artworks, where part of the story is always hidden from the viewer. This merging of closed and open source is reflected in Holmstrom's interest in subjects, such as the instability of memory and thought versus the more translatable forms of linguistic and written narratives. "

-Nisse Kroenberg



"The exploration of narrative is a recurring theme in my artwork but I do not seek to tell clear communicable stories through my work. Often the narratives in the artworks are confusing and multilayered and difficult to translate to written word. However, I still think narrative is a good way to describe them, a collaging of events, characters and perspectives drawn indiscriminately from both personal and collective histories. For instance, I might reference a cubist painting alongside some wallpaper I grew up with as a kid if I see a connection worth developing. Because of these closed and open sources, the viewer must make their own connections from these merged parts. In this way the visual language I adopt, (if it were to be compared to a literary one) would be more like a poem than a novel: a narrative with multiple entry points. The word narrative, to me, firstly has associations with literature, which in an art context, I think is an interesting spring board for comparing visual and written language forms. The questions surrounding language as a subject, and its modes for documenting has been an interest of mine for a long time. One way I have tried to understand this is by comparing the potentials and limitations of different mediums for documenting an idea or thought. Often, narratives from previous works will be recycled in a painting, sculpture or performance so I can compare the differences and similarities between these forms of document. "

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